Maven Dependencies for building Pentaho DI (Kettle) Plugins

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[Update 2023]: This blog is updated with information for Pentaho Kettle 8.x.x or higher.

  1. For Pentaho Kettle version 8.0.0 or lower
    1. Maven dependencies
    2. Using the Pentaho repository
  2. For Pentaho Kettle version 8.0.0 or higher
    1. Pre-requisite setup
    2. Maven dependencies
    3. Adding the Repository

For Pentaho Kettle version 8.0.0 or lower

In case you want to mavenize the pentaho kettle plugin development, you can use the below XML code in your pom.xml file.

Maven dependencies


The above dependencies are basically the part of the core-kettle development. I have tested the same for pentaho version : You can change the version inside the <version> tag to suite your kettle version.

For more on the kettle maven dependencies, you can check out this site. 

Using the Pentaho repository

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